Residential Program

At the heart of L’Arche Greater Vancouver are our four homes where the uniqueness of each person is valued and celebrated.

LArche Greater Vancouver currently has four homes for adults with developmental disabilities where the mutuality of relationships comes to life every day. People in the homes prepare and share meals, plan outings, do dishes, go for walks, and pray together. One of their highlights is to go on vacation together every summer.

LArche homes are places of welcome where families and friends come for dinner, birthday parties and other celebrations. On weekends, there are activities such as bowling, movies and concerts.

 All of our homes are fully licensed by the Fraser Health Authority and maintain high standards of care.

Each of our four homes has its own name and story.  Three of the homes – Willow, Oak, and Cedar – are in our main building on Sussex Avenue and the fourth home, Cypress, is within walking distance.

Admission Information for Residential Programs

Admission is carried out in partnership with our funding agency, Community Living British Columbia (CLBC) – the provincial Crown Corporation responsible for this sector. CLBC is notified when we have an opening.

Tell me more

If you or your family member are interested in L’Arche, and are not yet known in the CLBC system, we advise you to contact them as soon as possible. Click here to visit their website. Once contact is made, a CLBC facilitator will meet with you to assess your or your family member’s program needs, create a support plan and establish funding.

If you or your family member are already receiving some level of support from CLBC, please inform them that you have contacted us and that you are interested in our residential or respite care program.

Admission is based on:

1) The needs of the individual
2) Whether or not we are able to meet the support needs of the individual
3) Whether or not the individual is qualified for our current service of staffed residential homes or respite care

We invite you to stay in touch with us by phone/email or by attending some of our community events open to the public.

View our calendar

For more information on admission

Ashley, Homes and Semi-Independant Living Coordinator


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